COVID-19 Important announcement
March 2023:
Island Eye Surgery Specialists is scheduling appointments with Dr Gerstenfeld and Dr Nejat. Call 718-984-7616 to schedule. In order to keep the office safe and less crowded, we may limit the number of people that may accompany a patient to their appointment. Masks are voluntary for patients, doctors and office staff.
July 2021:
Island Eye Surgery Specialists is scheduling appointments with Dr Gerstenfeld and Dr Nejat. Call 718-984-7616 to schedule. In order to keep the office safe and less crowded, we may limit the number of people that can accompany a patient to their appointment. All patients will be required to wear a mask. Stay safe.
June 1, 2020
Island Eye Surgery Specialists is scheduling appointments with Dr Gerstenfeld and Dr Nejat. Call 718-984-7616 to schedule. All patients will be required to wear a mask and have their temperature checked. In order to keep the office safe and less crowded, we may limit the number of people that can accompany a patient to their appointment. Stay safe.
March 25, 2020
During these tough times, you are foremost in our minds. We hope and pray that each and every one of you is well and safe. As you all know, all elective treatments including cataract surgery are postponed. We are waiting on the authorities to tell us when we can open and will update you accordingly. In the meantime, our call center is open on a daily basis and we have been going in regularly to the office to see emergency and urgent patients. We are happy to inform you that we have maintained our full team and we are ready to hit the ground running once we are cleared. We anticipate that we will increase office hours for follow ups and routine appointments soon. Behind the scenes, we have worked with our vendors to acquire much needed supplies for our front-line medical workers to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
We are trying to do the best we can for everyone around us. Rest be assured that we have stayed very involved with keeping up with new information regarding the virus and the new recommendations for how we will be able to assure the health and safety of our patients and loyal team members. We have taken a myriad of online continuing education classes to keep us up to date.
We want to assure you that we are here for you. Let us together pray for our world to heal quickly and safely and we thank all the essential workers fighting this battle. We hope to see you soon.
To reach us please call us at 718.984.7616